BOOKS OF 2016...

I remember at the start of the year, i said to myself... read more. I can now proudly say i did read some pretty amazing books in the year of 2016, some of which were self help related books, to help me through hard times, some were thrillers to keep me on my toes, and some were just damn right entertaining.
So, here's my favourites books of 2016:


The story is told through teenager Miles Halter as he enrols at a boarding school to try to gain a deeper perspective on life, and was inspired by Green's experiences as a high school student. ' 

In my words, this was a god damn amazing read, it kept me so entertained from start to finish and literally had my gasping at events that happened throughout. 

This book is a book i would recommend for those who have an open mind, or even want to open their mind, invest learning in the different types of people there are in the world and just love a good story. 


'The Four Agreements is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the native people of Southern Mexico. ' 

Now, if you are ONLY interested in books with story lines about characters etc then this book probably isn't for you, however, that doesn't mean i don't suggest trying to give this book a chance. Its hard to think that a book can impact your life in a positive way but this is definitely one i can say did just that. 

This book will teach you a lot about yourself that you didn't know before, it will make you think and give you those ' ohhhhh' moments, where your eyebrows raise and you question for a second how one person can know all of this accurate information. This book is a quick read, and an easy one, but is definitely in my top favourite books of all time.


Can a love that transcends death survive a war between angels, vampires, and lycans?
An angel with immense power and insatiable desire, Adrian Mitchell leads an elite Special Ops unit of the seraphim. His task is to punish the Fallen--angels who have become vampires--and command a restless pack of indentured lycans. '
If you like fifty shades of grey, aka an erotic romance, and you love the story of Edward and Bella in the Twilight saga, then i can GUARANTEE this book is for you!! It was a random pick for me, but I'm very glad i read it, the love story between the two main characters had me in the first chapter, and left me wanting to read so much more about them. Now, i wouldn't say it is as sensual as some books out there, but it sure has it's moments. 
I dont want you thinking oh angels etc is just going to be corny, because that thought did cross my mind, when you start reading the story, there is that much to keep reading about you kind of forget that you're sat there reading a book about an angel and his love interest, you just become obsessed with the happening. 


'The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. The book is intended to be a self-help guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding thoughts of the past or future.' 
Wow, wow is all i honestly have to say about this one.. i saved the best till last. Ive had a year full of stress and anxiety, and i wish i had come across this book sooner, as it has free'd and opened my mind in a way i never thought was possible. Its almost as though you are reading a book to help you, no one else just you, so you keep reading and you keep on learning. As it is a guide to spirtial enlightenment its not a book that will throw ' God and Jesus' at you every second, it makes you realise so much about yourself and change your mindset and head for the better. Im going to leave this one with you, and you will thank me later.

So that's it, they are the best books i have read in 2016. If you don't read that much and need a hobby, why not start? Let me know what you think!

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